Wednesday 21 December 2016

Detecting Rules of Engagement!

Ive been pondering a quick reference card for the basic principles of the Treasure Act 1996 today. This came about as I can never remember the rules concerning how many coins constitute a hoard, and most of the explanations are rather wordy and not really suited to a quick pull out the pocket and go "Ah yes!" moment. So I have knocked up a little double sided aide memoir card. Its not finished yet and the details might not be quite right, but its the sort of thing I have in mind. Im putting a screen shot of it on here so I can link it to the MDF forum with a link thats a damn sight smaller than the one from Photobucket! And besides, im starting to lose confidence in Photobucket.

Today has otherwise been a detector day - but not detecting. By the time I had fitted my new NEL Tornado coil on my machine, added the Target ID numbers mod (a simple label 1 - 12) and cleaned all my kit, it was too dark again to go out! Testing the new coil will have to wait.

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